Quality at Mangoldt

Around the world, the name of MANGOLDT represents chokes with guaranteed high-performance, high reliability and long-life expectancy. Exceeding our customers' expectations is our daily goal and the basis for not only our long term customer relationships, but also our quality and environmental philosophy.

As an important part of our corporate culture, continuous training and growth of our employees ranks very high. Employee competence along with our state-of-the-art production equipment and techniques at all manufacturing sites ensures consistent quality of all processes and products - for the good of our customers.

Certified processes

All processes are defined transparently and uniquely at MANGOLDT. Certified to all relevant norms and standards, we document our processes and product characteristics in an integrated management system that we implement consistently and continually improve and expand.

Reinhausen Integrity Line

As a family-owned company, Maschinenfabrik Reinhausen GmbH and its affiliated companies are aware of their special responsibility. Compliance with legal and ethical requirements is an important factor in our corporate success. Through the Reinhausen Integrity Line, you can report concerns about misconduct involving the Reinhausen Group, its supply chain or the welfare of employees and third parties quickly and simply. Reports can be submitted by name and anonymously.
